Sunday, March 29, 2009
Here are some personal details about myself. My name is Addison Ho ,currently studying as a secondary 3 student in Chong boon Secondary. My personal hobbies would be making music as i enjoy the joy of music alot, thus i am playing in my school band. In addition , i also like surfing the internet and watching movies in cinemas. My personal likes and dislikes, in which subjects, are as follow. The subjects which i like are history and chemistry. I love the subject History alot, as i believe that man has to know about its past and learn about past failures and faults in order to create a better future and succeed in life. Following that, i love the subject chemistry as chemistry is the knowledge in which man put in to use in understanding the different changes in which the different chemicals around us react to each other thus creating and developing the different compounds and elements making the world a better place to live in. On the other hand, there are other dislikes subject I have. The subject which i dislike the most in this point of time, would be Maths, as i did fairly for in school results as i doesn't seems to get the hang of numbers and the different formulas ever since i was young. However, i will continue to work hard as i know it is relevant to my career choice as a chemist. Well, the subjects which i will be taking for my for my coming "O" levels examinations in which will determine my future job prospect are , Principles of accounts , Combined Science - Chemistry and Physics , Additional Maths, Elementary Maths , Chinese , English and Combined Humanities - History and Social Studies. As a student, i do not spent much time at home due to the heavy schoolwork and activties in school however, whenever i am at home, i will try to boost my knowledge as i read articles on infomation around the world or even watch videos on things which are happening on the other side of the earth.
As the quotation goes , "if you are interested in chemistry, is that it is fun and the work that you do usually has a lot of variety" . Well, agreeable. Moreover, if you are interested and have joy in doing what you like to do in what you do as a career, you will have the right mindset and attitude in which you will perform your best at your job and enjoying what you do. Therefore, when choosing a career of your choice, you should not care much about the pay ,but then again, but you must make sure that your job can feeds you, but an important aspect would be, "do you like your job and enjoying what you are doing?" That is why i chose to be a chemist as a career choice as the joy in which using knowledge to learn the composition, and properties substances, as well as to reproduce of useful naturally occurring substances and create new artificial substances and useful processes helping mankind in different aspects of life benefiting us ; reducing pollution , oil refinement or even manfacturing products in large amounts. On the other hand , the pay for a chemist in Singapore is rather high as you can earn about 2,500- 3,000 as a chemist with a degree in chemistry. Therefore, i chose my career choice as a chemist.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Information about the career choice
Everything in the environment, whether naturally occurring or of human design, is composed of chemicals. A chemist is a scientist trained in the science of chemistry. Chemists helps to search for and use new knowledge about chemicals and find ways in which to make chemicals useful to us They also also develop processes such as improved oil refining or even petrol through chemical processing. They also help in saving energy and reducing pollution. Also, they try to improve things that people use daily, such as paint, medicine, and cosmetics, as well as discovery and development of new and improved synthetic fibers, paints, adhesives, drugs, cosmetics, electronic components, lubricants, and thousands of other products. Most chemists work in research and development in in which they search for new chemicals in nature.Their research on living things helps doctors, farmers, and food preparers do their jobs better. It is also chemist's job is to search for new facts about chemicals. Some chemists watch what happens when they mix two or more chemicals together. They explain what they might see, smell, or feel. They then record it down on data-logs and computers for future references. Others work in production and quality control in chemical manufacturing plants. Chemists specialize in areas such as analytical, organic, inorganic, physical and theoretical, macromolecular, medical, and materials chemistry. Thus, Chemists use the knowledge of chemistry to learn the composition, and properties of unfamiliar substances, as well as to reproduce and synthesize large quantities of useful naturally occurring substances and create new artificial substances and useful processes thus making things in life better for us.